I'm originally from Chicago suburbs, where we call fizzy drinks "pop", and the lake-shore is "the beach." (I know better now).
I met my college sweetheart in Chicago, and on June 19, 2009 we wed. We had a romantic honeymoon in Northern Italy and settled in his hometown near San Diego.
I work on websites and social media in higher education, where I merge my love of talking constantly and writing creatively. My husband, E, is a pastor. I have still not gotten used to the fact, and yes - it kind of freaks me out. But it also has given us cool opportunities, like spending part of a summer in Milan, Italy.
I’ve been blogging in various capacities since 2004, but started this blog in 2008 to catalog my wedding planning, and never stopped. The blog has morphed a lot as I've grown and changed so the best way to describe it is my musings. Here is my blogging manifesto.
Latte Love is a play on words reflecting my love of espresso drinks, and that I've been blessed by a lot of love in my marriage [cue the "aww...."]. This is me: living life on a little budget and a latte love.
Thanks for stopping by!
ps. you may also want to check out my style tumblr: Latte Loves Style
I’m always open to questions or comments. you can contact me by emailing: latteloveblog (at) gmail (dot) com