I know the holiday recap posts can get overwhelming, so I'll try to be brief.
I cooked the entire Christmas Eve and Christmas Day dinners. It turned out to be a little too overwhelming for me. Christmas Eve was just appetizer foods: Cheese and crackers, pigs in a blanket, jalapeno poppers and E's favorite: party pinwheels.

I spent all Christmas Eve cooking and most of Christmas morning. The dinner menu:
prime rib
mashed potatoes
butternut squash casserole
homemade cornbread stuffing (SO yum)
green beans almondine
cranberry salad
apple pie

My MIL made the green beans and cranberry jello salad. The rest was on me! I was most nervous about cooking the prime rib, but Pioneer Woman helped me through it. But by the time we actually sat down to eat, I was pretty stressed out, so I vowed not to hog all the kitchen responsibilities next year. (I basically begged to make it all) We had a few family friends in addition to E's parents and brother for a group of ten, which was a nice size, but seemed so much smaller compared to my family gatherings.

E did an amazing job on Christmas. I don't mean to guy gush, but I was surprised and thrilled to find my favorite Jackie cardigan and these gorgeous MacAllister wedge boots from J.Crew under our little Christmas tree. He also got me the pair of green BDG jean from UO I've been pining for.

I also received a sewing machine! I spent two hours last night just opening and meticulously reading the instructions. I know a little about sewing from quilting lessons as a teenager, but I still have a lot to learn! I asked for this machine, on the recommendation of my professional seamstress aunt, who loves it. (in case you're looking for a good one!) It's super lightweight, and a steal. I'm hoping to use it to modify/alter clothing I thrift, and maybe try something more adventurous.
In the afternoon, we skyped with my family to open presents. Despite a shaky connection, it was fun to see everyone for a little bit. It was sunny and 80 degrees here, and dark and 30 degrees there! That part I don't miss.
(my two little sisters and the boys in their lives)
We also got some projects done around the house last week- deep cleaned closets, washed windows, put away Christmas decor, and generally got our lives back in order. We had a couple other adventures I'll mention later.
It was such a refreshing week, I wish we could ease back into work/school a little slower, but today it was back to life as usual and this sweet time is already fading in memory. I've had fun reading about all your holiday breaks - I hope they've been as relaxing and productive as mine!
I'll leave you with this little video of the family dachshund, Pookie who learned how to open her own Christmas presents (and promptly destroy them)
All that food looks so so good...wouldn't it be wonderful if it was holiday season all the time? And also if there were no such things as calories...
I have a sewing machine that's gathering up dust in the back of my closet. Being able to make my own clothes would be a dream come true, though. I would be able to bring all my dream pieces to life!
What a great Christmas! I love your mug and how it matches your blog—so cool!
The food looks fantastic, by the way!
That looks delicious!!! Great job, girl!!!
OMG I have the same sewing machine which I just used for the first time last night, even thought it was a present from last year's Christmas! (I'm brand new to sewing.) Looks like you made out great this year!
What a delicious post! :)
It's going to be hard going from such a relaxing vacation, back to work/school!
What a lovely christmas. Happy new year.
Cute shoes! Are they Madewell?
That food looks good! You did a great job with the cooking!
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