Our day took an unexpected turn yesterday when around 3:45pm San Diego experienced a massive power outage. My office doesn't have any windows (it used to be a storage closet) so everything went PITCH black. My boss who was meeting with me at the time said he braced himself for an explosion. Scary!
After waiting for 15 minutes, we all went home a little earlier than normal thinking it was just a local outage in North County. On the drive home we heard a press conference from SDG&E that power was out for all of San Diego County, down to Baja and Mexicali and as far north as San Clemente! (see latest news story) They told us to brace for a long-term power outage. It was eery driving past banks with LONG lines outside and grocery stores dimly lit with a cash register or two going. (Everyone was coming out with ice and beer!)
E had planned a poker night with the guys, and decided to still go for it, so I invited all the wives to come over for a bonfire to wait it out. What else to do when there's a power outage but have a party? The guys played by battery powered lantern light, and we took out all the ice cream from the freezer to eat before it melted.

Thought the power came back on around 2am, E's school/my work are closed today...so we're enjoying California's equivalent of a snow day, and this unexpected three-day-weekend. Have a good one!
ps. See my guest post on Italian Eats at Couple of Crumbs today!
"CA's equivalent of a snow day" ... LOVE that! So true! Glad you stayed safe and well fed through the outage :)
It was such a great time! I really wished that I had ice cream in the freezer to eat!
Sounds like a pretty good evening to me!
Whoaa - major!
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