Monday, December 20, 2010

The Story of Us: The Letter

It's been a couple weeks, so if you're new--catch up on our love story.

On a blustery day in mid-March I came back to my dorm and checked my email.

I had one email. It was from E.
A nervous knot settled in my stomach and I opened the email, and then the attachment (Later, it would become a habit to write our letters and attach them to emails instead of writing in the body of an email. Somehow it felt more personal, but still instant)

The letter was a page long and I scanned it for clues before going back and reading every word. It was sweet, friendly, and encouraging. It was not my first, but certainly a strong clue that E was what I had always wanted in a future spouse.


That week, I dragged my sister on a spring break road trip to clear my mind and heal my heart. After days on the beach and lots of journaling, I came home mostly recovered.

Savannah, GA (check out how long my hair was!)

I got back to school, logged into my email and replied.

Thus began the correspondence that changed it all. E & I got to know each other better through weekly letters written in late hours in between studying and extra-curriculars.
I still have every letter saved--they are my own fairy tale, filled with spiritual encouragements, sweet reminders, and inside jokes.

Reading them again puts an instant smile on my face and butterflies in my stomach.

After a couple of months of correspondence, I was beginning to feel like this would definitely turn into something big.
But then in May--the correspondence came to a sudden halt...


Anonymous said...

That is so romantic - we used to write each other letters, too. I cherish them to this day.

Kelly Loy Gilbert said...

So suspenseful!! I can't wait to

beka said...

S and I emailed constantly- short little things between classes, or longer letters when we were home at night- and I too have

S does not.

Sigh. Men, mars, women, venus, you know. :)

Anonymous said...

I am new to this story and now you are leaving me hanging? Arg! Sounds so sweet so far, but so suspenseful!

The Auspicious Life

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