When I saw Natalie posted about this foodie fest that's only a few minutes away from us, I knew we couldn't miss out.
We planned to stop by and visit 3-4 trucks in less than an hour and then meet up with friends. But that was not to be.
There were thousands of people at this Foodie Fest/Tree Lighting. I was surprised because we live in North County, a good 40 minutes north of downtown SD.
E stood in line at Tasty Meat (a kebab truck)

and I waited at Barcelona.

After standing in line for 25 minutes and ordering, it was another 30-40 minutes for the food, so I wandered to the shortest line--LongBoards: an icecream popsicle truck and E and I snacked on them while waiting for out other food.
I order the "O.G." SO good.
We headed back to the trucks which were backed up with dozens of people waiting for food and watched the tree lighting.
Wish I'd been able to try more, but my sweet potato fries in lime salt, and spanish chicken sandwich were delish!
E got feta fries with his doner kebab, and hid from my camera.
it's beginning to feel a little like Christmas!
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