It's a day of thirties
Today is my 30th post this month.
It's November 30th.
I'm still participating in the 30 for 30 remix
In the last 30 days my readership has gone up by 30.7% (Hi new friends!)
My most popular posts of the month were my Gift Guides
(followed closely by my 30 x 30 Round ups)
I'm so glad I finished National Blog Posting Month!
Statistics aside, this month has been a lot of fun, and definitely motivated me to blog more often.
(it also made me realize how many lurkers there are out there--stop by and say hello!)
I'll be back soon with some Thanksgiving weekend fun, but here's a fist pump for successful completion!
To my fellow NaBloPoMo'ers, how'd you do?
Congrats on making it through the month of November with a post everyday!!!!
Congrats! I did it too, feels great! Definitley a good way to make it a habit, I think.
I'm impressed! And I love your style.
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