I would be lying if I said that I planned even 5 minutes of the rehearsal.
For some reason, it never occurred me that in order to rehearse our ceremony, we would need everything and everyone required for the ceremony to be there. (uh, duh?)
Our string trio couldn't be there, I didn't ask the grandparents to be there, we were missing a groomsman who had other engagements--I hadn't even thought about how I wanted the bridal party to process.
On top of that, several of my bridesmaids took a little longer to get ready than planned, and forgot their directions; there was a massive car accident on the main road to the church about 20 minutes before everyone was supposed to arrive; E's grandfather went to the WRONG airport to pick up E's aunt, uncle, and cousins and didn't realize it until 1.5 hours later.
To sum up, the evening was late and chaotic.
To my great relief our no-nonsense Scottish pastor was very organized and took charge. He had bystanders fill in for the missing grandparents and bridal party until they arrived and got things started. The church's accompanist played random music in order for us to time the walking down a very short aisle.
At this point I was filled with nerves and excitement and total sense of surreality (is that a word?) It didn't feel like our wedding, our moment yet. We went through the motions and I directed when needed. My aunt and family friends were bustling around the kitchen and fellowship hall at the church preparing for our tea reception immediately following the ceremony.
After three quick runs, I felt confident that things were running smoothly, and we headed off to pick up E's cousins on our way to the rehearsal dinner.
Unfortunately, with the airport mix up and late arrival of the family...they had only arrived at the hotel 15 minutes before we did, after 7 hours+ of traveling. So i tried to maintain my bridal calm while we sat chatting with relatives I'd never met before, waiting for the rest of them to shower and get ready. An hour later we arrived more than fashionably late to our rehearsal dinner.
I was spent and frustrated. All our friends were in town and together for us, and I wanted to spend as much time with them as possible.
Thankfully, delicious food (of which I have not one picture) and great friends awaited us!
My MIL chose Francescas Fortunato for the rehearsal dinner. I can't find any pictures of the room, but here is the virtual tour from the website:
For our dinner, the room was set up with two rows of long tables.
The Menu
Calamari Fritti, Pizza all Frecesca
Insalata della casa
main dish
Calamari Fritti, Pizza all Frecesca
Insalata della casa
main dish
rigatoni del pastore
Pollo alla romano
Pollo alla romano
tiramisu, profiteroles, cheesecake
Mama and Papa Latte and MIL and FIL Latte. FIL had just returned from Kuwait 4 days before!
(Isn't my mom beautiful? She never wears a speck of makeup, and won't touch her hair with dye, but her natural beauty shines through.)

This photo of the "Jets" deserve a special mention. If you'd been reading my blog for any length of time you'll know that my Aunt Jet served as my wedding planner, coordinator, florist, designer and crafter. Her creativity, support and advice were absolutely invaluable to me during the planning. She is a rock star!
trying to relax after a crazy day
me with lil sisters, Caramel and White Choc
meeting new friends
E making his family laugh

BM Vanilla Bean with her fiance.

We handed out gifts to the bridal party and parents

I don't have any pictures of the guys' gifts, but we ordered them custom monogrammed stein beer mugs.
I already revealed my gifts for the girls here

BM Vanilla Bean with her fiance.

We handed out gifts to the bridal party and parents

I don't have any pictures of the guys' gifts, but we ordered them custom monogrammed stein beer mugs.
I already revealed my gifts for the girls here
We said our goodbyes, and I smooched E as my fiance for the last time!
I feel asleep within minutes of arriving home for my last night in my old room.
No nerves, no restlessness, no tears.
Just a long, fun day--followed by another one!
I LOVE your dress!!
Yep...what she said! Love your dress!
Oh my, you look JUST like your mama - I love it. And I agree with the other posters - you looked great in that dress.
Love your dress! I think rehearsals are always super hectic. At least better to get it out during the rehearsal and not at the wedding.
And you might have convinced me that it's aboout time to start my wedding recaps too! I can't believe I still haven't done them...it's only been (almost) 10 months!!
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