Bustle 2: I think this is one point under bustle..just kind of messy? hmmm...I should have written them down.

About two months ago I was feeling stressed with the details of the setup and logistics of the wedding, and guilty at how much friends and family were helping me with projects, organizing, and decor.
So I posted an ad on Craig's List for a DOC with a budget of $400--about half of the average price I was being quoted for a professional DOC. I only wanted someone to be available on the wedding day to direct people, set up, and handle any catastrophes.
Within 4 days I had received over 50 responses--from certified DOCs that still had the date available and were willing to lower their prices, to young professionals with lots of wedding experience (think former brides and bridesmaids) looking to supplement their income.
I was overwhelmed by the response and started to sift through the emails and narrow the candidates down.
I requested futher information from 4 or 5 that looked promising and then talked with my mom, aunt, and sister about it. After a couple weeks of thinking, I made a decision.
I decided not to hire a day of wedding coordinator.
Instead, my friends and family will be delegated tiny tasks on the big day to ensure everything runs smoothly. I made this decision for several reasons, money being one of them, but not the biggest.
So why no DOC?
1. My family didn’t like the idea of a stranger being around telling everyone what to do.
All the weddings I've been to in the past have either hired or asked friends and family to help with all the wedding details. It definitely creates a comfortable atmosphere when people helping out know my family and wedding guests, and are familiar with everyone. They know names and faces to pull people for pictures, and they are recognizable when guests have questions.
2. I didn’t like the idea of a stranger implementing all my wonderful DIY projects. (someone not invested in them)
My friends and family have helped me thruogh every step of the way with my crazy DIY projects. They know how particular I am, they know how much time I (and they!) have invested in making each little touch uiqiue, beautiful, and "us". They will feel personally committed to implementing my vision.
3. I have UHMAZING family and friends that have stepped up to the challenge.
In the time since I've gotten engaged, I've gotton a dozen offers and requests to help with wedding activities from all my aunts, cousins, bridesmaids, and friends. I know this is such a blessing, but I have more help than I almost know what to do with. I'm still trying to get things organized so that I split up all the little duties amongst my wonderful coordinating team--but I think with an organized base, this will go smoothly.
4. The money.
We are on a tight budget that grew by several thousand once we realized the general cost of weddings. Even with loads of DIY, my 160 guest wedding was going to delve into my bank account as well as my parents'. With this is mind, the unstable economy and my lack of job in CA (so far), spending more money than absolutely necessary became stressful.
I realize that I have no idea if my wedding day will or won’t turn out, but we’re gonna try (and knowing my psycho-organized type A self….if it doesn’t work out–it won’t be for lack of planning!)
My Resources?
Mrs. Daffodil's amazing wedding weekend packet
Customized, detailed photography list (with names of relatives included)
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