Without further ado--my invitations!
(I hate to ruin the look, but gotta keep the privacy, ya know?)
Then it was time for presents. Everyone was so sweet. I loved getting things off my registry, as well as some creative gifts ( a beautiful sewing kit, and a glass pitcher with fun drink recipes)
Little sister/MOH helped me by writing down the gifts and who gave them, for thank you notes later.
while BM Riss starting making my bow-quet for the wedding rehearsal.
We didn't get a ton of pictures of the gifts, but I am very excited about this bowl my grandfather made in his woodshop. Isn't it beautiful? I'm always amazed at his talent (he is also the jeweler who picked out my center stone diamond and set it in my e-ring!)
He's given one of these to each of the families, and this bowl signified the starting a new family for me.
E stopped by at the end of the present opening and helped me finish
Then we ate the beautiful and delicious lemon fluff cake (a Dutch tradition in my family for years--for every family event from new babies to funerals)
And here is a photo of me in it in Macy's dressing room, on the crackberry.
Yay! Glad to check that off my list, and add this cutie to my collection.
Have a great weekend, and don't forget to enter my giveaway!
Modern Style
They have a traditional option with a photo cover, and lines for guests to sign, and a more modern photo book that allows you to share photos and stories, while still leaving space for your guests to leave their well wishes. Best of all, you don't have to download a program to create the guestbook--you can design your book right from the website!
2 entries--leave a comment and become (if you aren't already) a follower
3 entries--leave a comment, be a follower, and post this contest on your blog
Thanks ladies, and good luck!
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