Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Instagram dump: The Netherlands and Belgium

We're back! And we had an awesome trip. I feel like every time E and I vacation together we get better at traveling in general and traveling with each other. There are so many stressers during out-of-country vacations that things can sometimes get tense and very un-vacationlike, but this trip went really smoothly and was so fun.

I"m going to do a series of posts on what we did and saw, but in the meantime, here's a little instagram recap from the trip (more than half of these photos are E's! he's much more talented than I) :-)

2013-05-08 12.19.57   Good morning from our houseboat in Haarlem :-)  Real olie bollen has no raisins!
The good ship Berezina, aka, home!   Coffee, Delft style  cutest travel partner/husband
Amsterdam canal scenes  Keukenhoff bridge  stroopwafels for breakfast
a flower in the field  The Rijksmuseum  Loving our day in Delft #oranjeboven
Whaddup, Bruges    Schuine Bak (aka the leaning chuch tower in Delft)   The bell tower.
heavenly pastures in Damme   We took in miles of flowers (and tourists) today at Keukenhoff gardens.   great beer from our favorite (secret) pub in Bruges      It will be sad to say goodbye  tomorrow to this view from our home of five days.   First Belgian beer in Belgium   Amsterdam was good to us today. #travel #holland #sunset

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