Saturday, December 1, 2012

[create] a haiku for two oh one two

graduation came!
freedom has been good for us
wish we knew what's next

and, for good measure, hopes for 2013:

peace and contentment
traveling to new places
aunt and uncle, we

I'm on the team of #WEverb12, a way to reflect on the year past, and look forward to the year coming through a series of prompts. Kimberly has done another amazing job with this project, and I'm excited for the chance/excuse to write more regularly again. It seems like when I take a break from writing, I get out of the habit. And the only way to beat writer's block, is to keep writing! SO here it goes...

The prompts are divided into five categories: live, create, grow, hope and listen.Whether you post one three prompts or all thirty-one, on instagram, facebook, or your blog, I hope you'll consider joining us! You can sign up as a participant here, and also signup to get the prompts into your email inbox.

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