Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Work Shower: Italy style

Just a week before my last day at work, my office got together to throw me my only surprise shower. In honor of our honeymoon location, they put together a gorgeous Italy themed shower complete with lots of olives, grapes, and even tiramisu! (any Chicago girls out there? It was from Maggiano's. Heavenly!)

I was a busy bee that morning preparing for my replacement to come in the next week for training, and was totally oblivious to planning going on about 30 feet away from my office in the break area! Finally my boss asked me to come over for a minute.
And this is what I saw.

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fun, huh?

and this is what all my co-workers saw:

Picture 010

a very surprised me!

I wish I had pictures of the delicious food close up, but I didn't have my camera with me, and stole these few from my [former] co-worker!

there was:
salad with vinaigrette dressing
pasta (duh!)
italian pasta salad with olives, artichokes, and lots of olive oil!
bread with oil and parmesan
and lots more!

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My sister and mom came too!

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present time!

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Honey Do whistle

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Sweet card signed by everyone in the office.

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Then it was time for the big present!

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What could it be?

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a 17 piece pots and pans set!

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All the office staff chipped in to purchase this set for me. Even though it wasn't the brand we'd registered for, Eric and I decided to keep it because the set we really wanted cost about 3 times as much, and we were sure we wouldn't get it (and we didn't!)

It was a tough decision (especially because I didn't want to seem ungrateful...they were SO generous), and I was thinking about returning it. Then my wonderful fiance (now husband) brought me back to reality saying something like: "you don't always get what you want...be thankful we're getting things we need!" He was right. And we're using it!

It was a very sweet shower with great little touches, and it was partly a going away party as well--so I was a little sad! I had great co-workers!

1 comment:

  1. love love love Maggianos! Where do you work? That was such a sweet party.
