Wednesday, May 27, 2009

2nd Fitting: The Bustle!

I have about 40 pictures from my fitting on Saturday, but I wanted a fairly easy before I get to showing the progress (but not completion :-( ) of my dress...i'll show you the few bustle options that my seamstress gave me.

Because I cropped these to only show from the waist down, I think I can still keep the style of the dress a secret from E, in case he peeks in on me. (which means actual pictures...not links!)

My dress is pleated at the back and has a very short train, so I didn't have a whole lot of options for the bustle.  essentially, there is a 1 point over bustle (with two variations), a 1 point under bustle or a 3 point under bustle.
They are all fairly easy to do, but the over bustle is the least stable becuase there is only one point and it has to be a hook and eye or tiny button, for minimal visbility.

this my dress' train

dress train

Bustle 1: Three point underbustle


Bustle 2: I think this is one point under bustle..just kind of messy?  hmmm...I should have written them down.


Bustle 3: One point over bustle worn low 


Bustle 4: one piont over bustle worn high (at hips) with the pleats pulled out


Bustle 5: One point over bustle at hips, with the pleats tucked behind.

over bustle

There's not a dramatic difference between them all, but I think I'm going to go with the last one because it's the cleanest look.  I like the pleats in my dress with the train is down, but it seems funny looking to me to have a pleated bustle.  It is the least secure of the bustles...but I'll take my chances.  

But I certainly I wouldn't want my bustle to slip.  Someone might step on my dress, and I could end up with this!

leaving in 3 hours for Cali.
I have as many pieces of luggage as the airline allows, and I'm out of here!


  1. Oooh I like the look of bustle #5 the best, great choice! I had no idea there were so many options for one dress!

  2. I like Bustle Option #1, but I'm partial to the French bustle! All of them are really nice!

  3. I really like either bustle #4 or #5. I too had no idea there was so many different options.

  4. i agree with your choice. it looks nice and neat! very pretty! can't wait to see how the top looks!
