Wednesday, February 11, 2009

the cutest stationery

2009_2_10 001, originally uploaded by Latte Love.

2009_2_10 002

2009_2_10 003

2009_2_10 006

2009_2_10 007

I found this adorable stationery line at Office Max while shopping with Aunt Jet last night! I'd send a link to it, but it looks like Office Max only allows access to their catalog with a login, which I didn't want to make! (I know the picture is terrible, but the packaging was so plastic-y and reflective and I couldn't find any photos online)

I'm a sucker for cheap, cute stationery, even though I never use it! Would you?

PS. lots of DIY goodness to come...I hate to post up half-done projects, so I've been waiting, but things are finally starting to come along...and I'll be back to normal blogging!


  1. Hey girlie! That stationary is super cute!

    Okay I'm giving you the letter "J" have fun!! : )

  2. those are super cute! i assumed you were at some fancy shop! great find indeed!

  3. I saw this when I was in there the other day! Super cute. I was thinking about getting some for Thank you cards.
